Learn French
at your teacher’s home in France in the Southern Alps. Learn French and
experience a sporty lifestyle at your teacher’s home : the most effective
language stay!
You will study the French language at the house of a French teacher in the Hautes-Alpes in the heart of a mountainous (highest town in Europe) and sunny area (300 days of sunshine each year). You will study at the place of your teacher who will welcome you into his family and make you feel at home and sleep at the place of her best friend who has an airbnb apartment
According to your wishes, we will organize sports activities.
In a comfortable flat in the heart of the old city and relaxed environment, you will learn everyday life vocabulary at your own pace and experience the life of French mountain inhabitants in a unique region.
The teaching method called ''Silent Way ''will be one of the different approaches used by the teacher. These courses are aimed at both families and business people (individual tuition or a maximum of two people : two colleagues, a couple, a mother or father and child) for a minimum of one week.
One week immersion stay includes:
One week all inclusive : 1250 euros
Imparate il francese a casa del professore a Briançon, una delle città più soleggiate (300 giorni di sole) di Francia e più alte in Europa nelle Alte Alpi. Studiare a casa del professore è il modo più efficace per imparare una lingua. Vi sentirete a casa vostra, imparerete la lingua senza stess e potrete fare sport ogni giorno (sci e ciaspole in inverno, trekking, kayak, bici e arrampicata in estate...)
In un appartamento confortevole nel cuore della città antica potrete imparare la lingua francese al vostro ritmo.
Potete venire in due (coppia, colleghi, genitore e figlio...) per una settimana. La giornata sarà organizzata con 3 ore di francese alla mattina, sport o cucina il pomeriggio.
Il "Silent Way sarà una delle pedagogie utilizate dalla professoressa.
Una settimana tutto compreso 1250 euros
Devis stage intensif à Briançon pour une semaine Le
Caméléon polyglotte
Matin |
Déjeuner |
Après-midi |
Dîner |
Soir |
Dimanche |
arrivée |
dîner amical
avec l’hôte et le professeur |
libre |
Lundi |
Cours de 9 à
12h |
professeur |
libre |
Dîner gîte en
autonomie |
libre |
Mardi |
Cours de 9 à
12h |
professeur |
Visite de la
vieille ville et du centre d’art contemporain (si exposition en cours) |
Dîner gîte en
autonomie |
Soirée cinéma
(selon programme) |
Mercredi |
Cours de 9 à
12h |
professeur |
libre |
Dîner gîte en
autonomie |
libre |
Jeudi |
Cours de 9 à
12h |
professeur |
Visite de la
maison du parc ou musée géologie ou de la mine |
Dîner gîte en
autonomie |
Soirée jeux
ou spectacle (selon programme) |
Vendredi |
Cours de 9 à
12h |
professeur |
libre |
Dîner gîte en
autonomie |
libre |
Samedi |
facile ou excursion avec le professeur |
libre |
dimanche |
Départ ou
randonnée facile |
départ |
15 heures de cours + soirées + repas de midi +
randonnées ou excursion + visites : 850 euros
Logement dans une chambre confortable chez une personne
sympathique qui discutera avec vous, accès à la cuisine libre, petit déjeuner
inclus, dîner dimanche inclus : 400 euros